A "This Day" Books & Merch Gift Guide...
Hey everyone, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving break. It is book-buying season. Booksellers and authors make an enormous portion of their profit in these weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. They can use your support.
So, in that spirit I just put together a booklist of all the authors we featured on the show in 2023. (Plus Niki and Kellie’s latest books of course) I used bookshop.org, but you can of course go track it down at your favorite bookseller, online or in the real world.
Take a look, maybe the perfect gift (for you or for someone else) lurks inside…

Some of the featured authors (whose profiles I found on substack) include…
And while I have you, and while you’re looking to support the folks who make the stuff you love, a reminder that we now have merch. Including, as of a couple days ago, sweet hats!
If you support the Radiotopia fundraiser at the $5/month or $50/year level (or more) we will send you a 20% discount code to the merch store. Seems like a good deal to me!

Okay, I hope this helps you get through your shopping list a bit.
We’ll be back with a new episode on Tuesday!
If you’ve read this far, you’re a true fan, so I may as well flag another post for you — an update about my live show Ask Roulette. We have all our dates for the next year set, including one on December 28th in NYC! More info below.